


33rd Woods Hole Film Festival August 1, 2024

DC/Dox Film Festival - June 15, 2024

We were thrilled to debut Shaking It Up at the engaging and well-curated DC/DOX Film Festival in Washington, DC. The screening sparked lively discussions during a Q&A with co-director Abby Ginzberg and Bettina Hager, Chief of Policy and Programs for the ERA Coalition, moderated by Nell Minow. Audience members were captivated by Liz Carpenter’s story, celebrating her influential roles as Lady Bird Johnson’s press secretary and chief of staff, co-founder of the National Women’s Political Caucus, and staunch advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment. We were joined at the screening by veteran DC journalist Michael Mosettig, who worked for the Carpenter New Bureau and is featured in the film.Former colleagues shared heartfelt memories of working with Liz Carpenter during her tenure as Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs at the US Department of Education.

Hill Country Film Festival - Winner of Best Feature Doc Award - June 1, 2024

A great time was had by all in historic Fredericksburg, TX, June 1st, when the Hill Country Film Festival featured our film as its closing event before a packed audience.  Fredericksburg is very near the LBJ Ranch where Liz Carpenter spent considerable time throughout her adult life with Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson. Christy was sometimes along for the ride with her own stories to tell.  The film met with abundant laughter and applause and  was followed by a very lively Q&A session where co-director Christy Carpenter fielded a wide range of questions about her mother’s high-impact life.  

Doclands: Documentary Film Fest - May 5, 2024

18th Annual Dallas International Film Festival - April 26, 2024

SXSW World Premier - March 10, 2024

At the SXSW world premiere of ‘Shaking it Up’ with part of the incredible crew: Huge shoutout to our outstanding editors, Eli Olson and Ken Schneider, our remarkable archival producer, Susanne Mason, and our fantastic associate producer and Texas A&M historian, Jessica Brannon-Wranosky. Crafting a captivating and enjoyable documentary requires not just a village, but also an abundance of passion and dedication. Here’s a glimpse of our stellar team in action!